7 Quotes & Sayings By Daniela I Norris

Daniela I. Norris is an award-winning author of Contemporary Romance novels in the USA Today bestselling authors list. Daniela lives with her husband in Texas, where she writes in the mornings before her children wake up in the afternoons.

What I like about this belief is that it makes people look for a big picture, and think more about how they behave in this life and what they achieve, as it might influence their next lives. I also like another aspect of it: that negative experiences teach us as much as positive experiences do; sometimes they teach us more. Daniela I. Norris
What I like about this belief is that it makes people look for a big picture, and think more about how they behave in this life and what they achieve, as it might influence their next lives. I alsolike another aspect of it: that negative experiences teach us as much as positive experiences do; sometimes they teach us more. Daniela I. Norris
For death is the only certain thing in life, and despite this cliché being an absolute truth, with only the timing varying from one person to another, we never seem to be prepared for it. It is regarded as an end, as final and as negative, not as the metamorphosis it might be— the release of a spirit from physical to energy form, not unlike a caterpillar turning into a butterfly and experiencing new found freedom from the limitation of eternal crawling in search of sustenance. Daniela I. Norris
Visiting new places andmeeting interesting people — even if "What remained after paying the rent for the Tel Aviv flat, which I shared with a roommate, and the tuition at university was close to nothing — it was the experiences that mattered. Daniela I. Norris
Visiting new places and meeting interesting people — even if "What remained after paying the rent for the Tel Aviv flat, which I shared with a roommate, and the tuition at university was close to nothing — it was the experiences that mattered. Daniela I. Norris
For there is nothing like travel to heal a broken heart. Daniela I. Norris